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Hi!!! I’m RetroLand Jonny😎

An Avid Video Game Collector & Enthusiast

I could not be more excited to have made this website and to be able to have the opportunity to share my passion with you guys!


I am currently a 24 years old Digital Media Marketing Student attending George Brown College. 

In short, I am just a normal kid raised out of Toronto, Ontario who has always had a love for the art of Video Games and the entertainment that they bring.


I am the guy who stayed up until 2 or 3 am trying to finish world 8 of Mario Bros 3, the guy who had logged 30+ days of Fallout New Vegas Gameplay, the guy who played Runescape on and off for roughly 15 years... Thats right, Im a freaking NERD!!! 


While I only began seriously Collecting rare Video Game Collectibles roughly a few years ago, I have always appreciated these items as a whole and acknowledged the amount of effort that is required in order to produce these products that we all know and love. Further, I genuinely believe that many of these prominent Collectibles ultimately signify pieces of Art as they are time capsules into some of the most influential pop-culture phenomenons to have ever hit society.


Sooo... I decided to pursue my passion and start a Video Game Collectibles Store hosted on eBay and promote it primarily through my Instagram profile @Retroland_Gaming. 

I could not be more excited for the future, and as RetroLand Jonny always says!!! Collect-On $ Game On🤘

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